Updated 11/1/2024: ATTENTION: Trump Rally 10am Sunday 11/3/2024 in hangar next to us. Expect NO access to our ramp on that day! Lancaster Airport is now a TSA SECURE AREA. Foot movement within the fenced area requires an LNS issued Badge or escort. Please call with any questions. Thank you!

(717) 569-1953


Mark Forth, the Avionics Coordinator, will be more than happy to discuss and schedule any repair needs you may have with your aircraft. His 30+ years of experience have made him well suited to accommodate your needs.

Hours of Operation
Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
(Technicians leave @ 4:30pm)

Contact Information
Phone: (717)569-1953
Fax: (717)569-1722
Email: repairs@lancasteravionics.com

Lead Times
Typical lead times for repair work are as follows:

  • Autopilots – 1 to 2 weeks
  • Radar – 1 to 2 weeks
  • IFR 2yr Static/Alt/Enc/Transponder Certifications – 1 week
  • All other Avionics Repair work – 3 to 5 days

Note: These lead times may vary as customer needs change.

We accept VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express, personal/business checks, and cash. Open accounts for day-to-day repairs (does not include installation work) can be set up upon request by filling out a credit application. Otherwise, payment is expected upon receipt of the aircraft. A 3% discount on labor is applied to all cash/check payments made within 10 days of invoice date.


Help us help you
The more information you can provide when calling to discuss and/or schedule repair work, the better we can schedule and diagnose your squawks. TIME IS MONEY and any time you can save us can save you money. The following is a list of information to provide (as applicable and as possible) when calling concerning repairs:

  • Aircraft Info: Make, Model, Registration #, and Serial #
  • Specific Model Numbers of equipment related to your squawk
  • Any Serial Numbers, Mod Status, and Software Levels of equipment related to your squawk
  • A detailed description of the symptoms – including any In-Flight troubleshooting you may have done

After Hours
Arrangements can be made to drop-off and pick-up aircraft after hours. We have five tie-downs in the grass in front of our shop, a key dropbox, and lock-boxes for pick-ups.